When we look at the dictionary meaning of privacy, we see that it means "privacy". It comes from the Arabic root "mahram" and is explained as "something to hide". Although it seems sufficient in general terms, privacy is a much more comprehensive word and what we call "what to hide" is not limited to seeing the genitals only. In Izgi's article, about privacy, it should be addressed as a requirement, self-realization and one of the ways to protect its autonomy, not only to express what to hide, but to increase the quality of life. In conclusion, privacy can be summarized as determining and controlling the boundary between self and the other, not isolation from society. " statements are included.
As it can be understood from here, privacy education is not limited to sexual education. Being aware that the person has private areas of himself and others, protecting these areas in social life, being respectful to others and It also includes being aware of the need to set boundaries between people.
 We see that the increasing cases of abuse we heard from the media, especially regarding children, are now very worrying for parents and increasing their privacy education with the instinct to protect their children. However, recognizing and expressing feelings and respecting the rights of individuals are the basis of privacy education. This is the most important background information we should teach our children before privacy education.
 Respecting their own limits, the child will learn to respect the limits of others. It is our parental duty to respect the child from infancy.
 When the child has people he / she does not want to talk and kiss, forcing the other person to kiss and talk against his / her will, does not respect the child, but also paves the way for abuse. The child, who sees that adults kissing her involuntarily, is regarded as normal by their parents It is very difficult to distinguish.
 Did you think that not changing a baby's diapers around others means respecting the baby? Imagine being asked to take your clothes off completely in a crowded examination room in a hospital room you attend. You would surely react, wouldn't you? So why should we do the same to our children? Their inability to express themselves should not give us adults the right to impose our wishes. Our priority should be to protect them and defend their rights as individuals.
 Likewise, in our society, naming the genitals, especially the demanding of male sexual organs to be shown to others, are unfortunately things we encounter. It is a great contradiction for our children to make such requests and then try to teach them to protect their private areas.
 Telling children in the toilet that they need to close their doors, and if the doors of their rooms are closed, asking permission to enter the child's private space perception will improve.
 After reviewing our own behavior and words towards children, we can teach the child the special areas. It should be taught that no one can touch their private parts and that he or she must not touch the private areas of others. If possible, it is important that a certain person does the cleaning of the child after the toilet, and in special cases it is important to get permission from the child. After the age of 5, they should be encouraged to do their own cleaning.
 Another important point is secrets. Too much in the family “What is in the family stays in the family. You shouldn't tell anyone. " The child who has grown up with warnings will also heed such warnings from others. Therefore, it is very important to inform the child that he can share everything with his mother. Not criticizing what the child tells in daily life will make it easier for him to share his experiences.
 In short, what we call privacy education is to respect the privacy of the child, to accept him as an individual, and he is the same for others. striving to show sensitivity means setting an example. The personality development of the child, who knows and respects the private areas of himself and others, will also be shaped and it will be easier to distinguish in which situations he should protect himself.
 Exp. Psk. Kübra DAGLAR ARSLAN

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